It's really hard for me to write here, not sure why. I have tons to say, but never the time to say it. James is doing so well these days. He talks NON STOP. He can be difficult to understand, but I'd say almost everyone can understand him if they have the right context for whatever he is talking about. Last summer was really the push he needed. Garrett has stalled in his speech and I am trying to not freak out over it. I really think that he can say more than he does, but it just hasn't "clicked" yet. You Moms know the "click" I'm speaking of. When they figure out they can open their mouth and say anything you can. He is a good communicator and very happy child. He loves to babble to himself and dance to music.
James was moved up to the afternoon preschool in January because he was doing so well. He is able to write his name, with a little prompting and is recognizing all sorts of letters AND sounds, something I had feared would be hard for him. He can count forever. He is so smart & compassionate and is always trying to problem solve every situation so that it ends with him getting his way, which is cute if only a little annoying. He is really growing up, and I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet! He turned four in February, how did I get a four year old? We are continuing to work hard on articulation and grammatics with James. We took him back to The Kaufman Center in Early November, Nancy took one look at him and said He was out of the woods! On his evals, it said "residual" apraxia, not "severe". I can't believe we really did it! We worked so hard to get all those sounds and words - I love that he can sing now. He can sing songs, a favorite right now is Row, Row, Row your boat.
I am going to try and update this thing everyday for the entire Month of May. May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, so I'm going to try and raise awareness from this little corner of the web.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
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