I don't mean to not write here. I just get so into life, that it gets pushed aside.
I'll do something different and start with Garrett. He continues to amaze me. He is walking like a toddler now, no awkward gaunt to it anymore. He is speaking more. His words consist of "That" with pointing, bye bye, mama, uh oh, da da, cat, button (buhbuhbuh), up and no. Obviously this is different for us. Oh, i forgot our most important word. Uh Oh. He worried me for a while, because he quit saying it. That is a trademark sign of apraxia. But then I realized that I had stopped saying it to him. So once I started, he started saying it again unprompted. I think his language will be just fine if I just stop being so paranoid about it. He is also starting to become a picky eater. But really, it depends on the time of day for him. Sometimes he eats GREAT, others, not so much. He also REALLY enjoys playing outside and playing in water. I have to stop him from going full on swimming in the bath tub. He's my little side Kick.
James is being so sweet lately. Not to mention chattering up an apraxic storm. He said the sweetest thing today. The child loves his milk. We were out this morning. He went to summer camp and I went to the store and bought milk of course. He gets in the car and See's the milk and says the following: "More Milk, More Milk, Oh Thank you Mommy, Thank you!". I had tears in my eyes, it was the sweetest thing I had ever heard. So many words at one time! So many heartfelt words at one time! It hasn't all been sunshine and roses the past week, but those sweet words made me so grateful to have him as my boy. For the experiences he's giving me. For the person he is making me. Trying as it might be, we're going to come out the other end of all this better for it.